Monday, November 2, 2009

Engine 17 Takes in a Service Call

Another beautiful day, perfect for taking 17 out, time permitting.

However, time was not on my side, lots of projects to do today.

One of the projects: Restarting the dead '99 Suburban Diesel that has been languishing at the back of the driveway for months. We'd like to get its brakes fixed and its 4WD working again before the snows come. Seeing as how we live at the 1000' level at the foothills of some southwestern Washington mountains, snow and slippery inclines are a part of winter life.

Suburban was dead. Really, really dead. Someone in the family below the age of 6 - not naming names - is likely responsible for the dome lights being turned on at some point in the past.

Hooked up the charger, and set to full boost. Fifteen minutes later, could barely get it to turn over. If you've never had to deal with it before, just know that dead Diesels are HARD to start.

Time is short.

Calling Engine 17.

She's got two big battery banks, you know.

Pulled her on over, hooked her up, and ran the throttle control to bring up the RPMs on the faithful Detroit Diesel plant.

It still took about 20 minutes of that to get the 'Burb to start! With a cloud of smoke and protest it came to life. Got the 'Burb down to the shop, hopefully with a good charge on its batteries in the process.

Thanks, 17!